Wondering how to make use of YourReactDev?

Follow our simple step by step instructions below that include some images to guide you along the way

Step 1

Step one type in a promt of your component needs. Be descriptive with what it is you want, and the criteria that should be included.

Image representing recovery from toxic relationships
Image representing recovery from toxic relationships

Step 2

Wait for our AI to generate your component, you will be displayed with our loading screen while we work.

Step 3

And there you have your new component. You may either copy the code directly if you are happy or continue making changes

Image representing recovery from toxic relationships
Image representing recovery from toxic relationships

Step 4

If you feel like you want to keep making changes simply click the elment you want to edit within the screen and type a new prompt in the edit section in the bottom right.

Step 5

And there you go. Your changes have been made and you are able to view it all through the browser.

Image representing Step4ChangesHaveBeenMade
Image representing Step5ClickToCopyCode

Step 6

Finally, its time to copy your component code to be used within your other projects.